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Sunday 29 May 2016

Tableau Interview Questions Set 6
sdf Sunday 29 May 2016 1 comments

Tableau Interview Questions Set 6

Ans:Our goal is to help people see and understand data. Our software products put the power of data into the hands of everyday people, allowing a broad population of business users to engage with their data, ask questions, solve problems and create value
2). What is Tableau Public? 
Ans: Tableau Public is a free service that lets anyone publish interactive data to the web. Once on the web, anyone can interact with the data, download it, or create their own visualizations of it. No programming skills are required. Be sure to look at the gallery to see some of the things people have been doing with it.
3).What is data modelling?
Ans:Data modelling is the analysis of data objects that are used in a business or other context and the identification of the relationships among these data objects. Data modelling is a first step in doing object-oriented programming
4). What is your daily work process in tableau?
AnsI think we all work on different projects using Tableau, so the work begins from understanding the requirement getting the required data, story boarding then creating visualizations in tableau and then presenting it to the client for review.
5).what is parameter in Tableau ? And how it works.?
Ans: Parameters are dynamic values that can replace constant values in calculations and can serve as filters
6). How does Tableau perform with huge datasets?
Ans: Tableau Performance is based on Data source performance. If data source takes more time to execute a query then Tableau must wait up to that time
7). How will you publish and schedule workbook in tableau server?
Ans: First create a schedule for particular time and then create extract for the data source and publish the workbook for the server. Before you publish, there is a option called Scheduling and Authentication, click on that and select the schedule from the drop down which is created and publish. Also publish data source and assign the schedule. This schedule will automatically run for the assigned time and the workbook is refreshed.
8). How to rectify SQL Performance for developed Dashboards
Ans: After creation of Dashboards if we get problem from sql side that means Custom Sql ….How to Rectify the sql performance from custom sql
9). Define the names for parameters ,filters etc...
Ans:  Parameters are dynamic values that can replace constant values in calculations and can serve as filters.Filters are used to restrict the data based on the condition u have mentioned in the filters shelf.
10). How to view sql which is generated by Tableau Desktop?
Ans: The Tableau Desktop Log files are located in C:\Users\\My Documents\My Tableau Repository. If you have a live connection to the data source, check the log.txt and tabprotosrv.txt files. If you are using an extract, check the tdeserver.txt file. The tabprotosrv.txt file often shows detailed information about queries.
9). What is page shelf?
Ans: page shelf is power full part of tableau That you can use to controle the display of output as well as printed results of output.
10). What are the major differences between tableau version 7.0 and tableau version 8.0?
Ans: • New visualizations are introduced like treemap, bubble chart and box and whisker plot
       • We can copy worksheet directly from one workbook to another workbook
       •Introduced R script
11). How to create filled maps?
Ans: Step 1: Build a Map View Double-click a geographic fields such as State, Area Code, Zip Code, etc.
       Step 2: Select the Fille Map Mark Type The Automatic mark type will show this type of view as circles over a map. On the Marks card, select Filled Map to color the geographic areas.
       Step 3: Drag a Field to the Color Shelf Define how the locations are colored by dragging another field to the Color shelf.
12). Is Parameter have it’s dropdown list?
Ans: Yes it may have its own drop down list, the entries which you make in the Parameter while creating it can be viewed as Dropdown list.
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